"The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See"
This gentleman created a video that quickly broke down our (extreme) outcomes if we act or do not act on global warming (which he claims may or may not happen). He used a decision grid to show our possible outcomes. Although he claims that we cannot be sure that global warming is happening, he raises a good point in that the costs of acting and nothing happening much outweigh the costs of not acting and global warming hitting us head on. So even though I disagree some of his thoughts, for example I believe that global warming is already in full swing, I agree that we need to do something about rather than not. I think this video can really speak to people who are skeptical about global warming and who do not want to “waste money” trying to counter it with renewable resources, nuclear power, etc. As far as if I think he’s brilliant or crazy? I think he’s something in between.
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