Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Going Green: Success Stories

Happy Earth Day! In honor of Earth Day I thought I should look into some of the things that are happening in making our world more "green". I came across a website dedicated to Earth Day. This site has the history of Earth Day, events for Earth Day, resources and ways that you can become part of the movement towards a "green" Earth! The section that I am posting about contains pages and pages of small and big success stories from around the world. It includes news about places around the world that are taking small steps such as switching to led lights (Notre Dame Cathedral) to big steps such as switching to electric school buses and implementing free solar powered charging stations around cities. It's a great way to see what kinds of things are being done and can be done in the future! Check out the site, and see if theres anything near you and if there's anything you can do to help out!

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