Crossfire hosted a discussion between Bill Nye, a well known scientist, and Nick Loris an environmentalist on the urgency and seriousness of climate change. Most of it was Nye attempting to get out there that climate change is a serious and prominent issue, while Loris was arguing against mitigation and costs. Loris also said that he does not think that we are on our way to "catastrophic warming" and mentioned that human influence are only a small part (FALSE) of the warming. The debate is heating and everyone is talking over each other, but if you have time to watch the video (about 9 minus) or read the transcript, it's an interesting perspective (here). The hosts also show an interesting split, just like Nye and Loris. Another note, I liked seeing that at the bottom of the screen it said "join the discussion" instead of debate (yay baby steps!!) because really this is a discussion now and should not be a debate about whether or not climate change is happening: it is!
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