Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mass Climate Change Adaptation Report: Executive Summary

Instead of reading the entire report (I'm a college student, I don't have all day!) I read the executive summary report that was created. I was astounded to find out that our average air temperature has already increased by almost 2 degrees since 1970, and that the average water surface temperature has increased over 2 degrees. I was also completely blown away by the numbers related to Boston and what even just one incident could cost. It's scary to think that by 2050 so much of the coast could be in danger, or already flooded. The report talks about using mitigation strategies as a local level, although they want to be thinking about sustainability throughout the state. Their plans include assessment and updates as well as reusing resources and using friendly design.
To look more into the executive summary click here!
If you're ambitious and would like to read the entire report, click here!

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