Monday, May 5, 2014

Unplug Unused Appliances

I'm all about finding ways we, the little people, can do things to help fight climate change! We know it's happening but until the government asks us to vote on something, all we can do is take small steps and advocate for change. I grew up being told to always unplug my fans and other appliances after I'm finished using them. Here is a link to a list of appliances YOU can unplug when you're not using them! Basically anything that doesn't need to be running, like your fridge or freezer! This not only reduces the amount of energy you're using, helping the environment (every little bits counts) as well as can help reduce your electric bill, even just a bit (once again, every little bit counts). So check it out, and see what you can start unplugging to help the Earth and your wallet!

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